Obesity definition
Is to increase the body weight ideal weight by more than 20%, as a result of the amount of calorie intake than those needed by the body, as a result of excessive sugary and fatty food intake and lack of exercise leading to the accumulation of fatty substances in the body are fat pure or on the form of adipose tissue and is diagnosed by measuring the body mass index (figure resulting from dividing weight in kilograms to height in meters square) (weight (kg) / square height (m) where the normal weight when the cursor is at (25) and less, and is considered overweight when more than (25 ) the person is obese when the body mass index of more than (30).
How do you measure the degree of excess weight?
It can measure the amount of body fat and the percentage of excess weight in two ways easy steps:
Body mass index scale (BMI):
And it is calculated as follows: dividing weight (kg) by height (m (2
For example: the body mass of a person guide weighs 111 kg and a length of 1.8 m is the result of dividing 111 (1.8 × 1.8) to be the result 34.
Which is more than the body mass index have 25 degrees of overweight but who guide their body-mass exceeds 30 degrees they suffer from obesity.
The higher the body mass index increased with the greater susceptibility to diseases associated with obesity.
Carry measurements in excess of 80 cm for women and 94 cm for men more likely to experience chronic health problems, especially heart disease and diabetes.
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