Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Stomach Ulcers .....continued 

What are the symptoms of stomach ulcers
Anyone at risk of stomach ulcers even children at a young age. It is the warning signal for the presence of infected ulcers:
- Burning sensation or erosion in the stomach area last from 30 minutes to three hours, and this explains the pain as heartburn, indigestion arising out of, or hunger, and have their place in the upper abdomen and sometimes under the breast bone. As for the periods in which the pain occurs is when some immediately after eating, sleeping or while the person who leads to awakening ... The pain may last for a continuous week followed by one week without pain. Ulcers can soothe the pain by drinking milk, food, comfort, or taking anti-acids
Loss of appetite and weight. The people who suffer from duodenal ulcers can lead to weight gain because the patient resorted to eat more pain relief, which gives a sense of the feeling of hunger.
- Frequent vomiting.
- Blood in the stool.
- Anemia (anemia).
- Stomach ulcers may be a symptom of another disease, a person may be infected and do them
What is a stomach ulcer on the human impact:
- Nerves that surround the stomach of most members of which are strongly influenced by where become inflamed and cause extreme pain.
- Output of the erosion of major blood vessels bleeding.
- Corrosion (cut) the stomach or intestinal wall resulting from inflammation of the peritoneum (the membrane lining of the worshiper transparent abdominal cavity).
- Blockage of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of swelling of the affected area of ​​stomach ulcers.
Other reasons lead to stomach ulcers:
1. Date of hereditary in the family of this disease.
2. Excessive drinking alcohol.
3. diet is correct irregular meals or not eat some of them.
4. chronic diseases such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, emphysema.
5. Psychological Stress does not cause ulcers, but is assistant Ali factor occurrence.

follow to know more about stomach ulcers

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